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Urban PDA: A Digital Assistant for Sales Operations enhancement

This case study delves into the transformative journey of Marico, a leading FMCG company in India, leveraging the power of the Urban PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) solution. Discover how Marico streamlined its sales processes, enhanced operational efficiency, and empowered its field force with advanced digital tools.

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01 Challenges Faced by Marico:

Marico, a prominent player in the FMCG sector, encountered several challenges in managing its vast sales operations efficiently. Some of the key hurdles included:

02 Proposed Solution:

Marico partnered with Atrina to implement the Urban PDA solution, aimed at revolutionizing its sales operations. The proposed solution comprised the following key modules:

03 Implementation Process:

The implementation process of the Urban PDA solution at Marico involved meticulous planning and execution. The key steps included:

Product Screens

04 Technologies Used:


Flutter for a seamless cross-platform experience


C# and .Net for robust server-side functionalities.


SQL Server for secure and efficient data management.

05Business Advantages:

The implementation of the Urban PDA solution brought forth a multitude of benefits for Marico, including:


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