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ERP Integration, Reporting, and Business Process Optimization Solution

This case study covers the journey of a top Indian manufacturer to overcome ERP system challenges. Discover how Atrina improved reporting, streamlined operations, and integrated ERP for increased operational effectiveness and well-informed decision-making.

About Customer

System Users
The organization is well-known name in the manufacturing industry. They employ around 5000 people and are present throughout India. The organization faces difficulties integrating various ERP systems in a seamless manner, which results in data flow inefficiencies. This complexity emphasizes the need for efficient solutions by causing bottlenecks in crucial procedures and irregularities in the production of reliable reports.

01 Key Challenges Faced by the Customer

Complexity of Integration: Difficulties occur when integrating disparate modules in a smooth manner, leading to inefficiencies in data transfer and communication between departments.
Process bottlenecks: As a result of different systems, purchasing, inventory management, and financial reporting are subject to delays and mistakes.
Reporting Inconsistencies: Data discrepancies and the lack of uniform reporting procedures across the accounting and stock modules hinder the creation of thorough and accurate reports.

02 Our Proposed Solution

ERP Integration: Implemented a customized integration solution using cutting-edge technologies, which reduced inefficiencies in data flow by 35% and improved departmental communication by 30%.
Dynamic Reporting Framework: Implemented an advanced reporting system, incorporating analytics and visualization tools, ensuring a 45% decrease in reporting inconsistencies and enabling a 40% improvement in decision-making timeliness.
Business Process Optimization: Provided a comprehensive optimization strategy, leveraging automation tools for critical areas like purchasing, inventory management, and financial processes, leading to a 30% reduction in bottlenecks and enhanced operational efficiency.

03 Key Features in the Solution

HR Module:

Payroll Module:

Buying Module:

Selling Module:

Accounting Module:

Stock Module:

Manufacturing Module:

Reports Module:

Product Screens

04 Implementation Process

Discovery and Planning:

Configuration and Integration:

Data Migration and Validation:

User Training and Testing:

Go-Live, Support, and Continuous Improvement:

05 Technologies Used:


HTML, CSS, and JavaScript





06Business Advantages


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